Maynard-area Chess Club
From the first meeting on 2023-06-18 to the latest on 2025-03-23 we've had up to 17 players at a meeting, from beginners to national masters. In total we have around 80 members.
Take a look at our photos. You can use #MaChessC as a unique hashtag if you have some you'd like to post elsewhere.
The most important thing is to join the mailing list! Be sure to check your spam and trash and reply to the follow-up email you'll receive after you request to join. This is all you need to do to be a member of the club!
Time: Sundays, 2:10pm - 6pm (Note that we don't always stay that late; it is safest to come before 4pm, or txt 617-401-6414 first to make sure we are going strong.)
Location: Excelsior Comics & Games Lounge, 8 Waltham St, Maynard, MA (508) 808-9124
Parking: Behind the Jiffy Lube across the street, or at any of the very nearby municipal parking lots.
Questions? maynard-chess-help at mit dot edu
Families et cetera: Many other games & wifi available if you want to play chess but another in your party doesn’t.
Lead Organizer: Danny Clark @ (617) 401-6414 Text preferred. Any queries at all!
Area Served
MaChessC is for all, but especially for those in the Boston, Massachusetts MetroWest towns of Maynard, Stow, Acton, West Acton, Concord, West Concord, Sudbury, Hudson, Boxborough, Carlisle, Bolton, Littleton, Marlborough, Berlin, Harvard, Westford, Wayland, Lincoln, Southborough, and Weston.
Please email to ask that your town be added if it isn't on the list! :-)
Club Focus
A more fun/social club with G/15, clockless, G/5, and other rapid and blitz time controls being played most often.
Stay in contact
Mailing Lists
- Add yourself to maynard-chess at mit dot edu at
- If you need to contact the organizers, you can use maynard-chess-help at mit dot edu
Chess Servers
Our club groups on:
Social Media
- FaceBook: Group
- Instagram: MaChessC_
- X: MaChessC, or search for our hashtag #MaChessC
- LinkedIn: Page
If you like Discord, you can:
- Accept this invite.
- Go to the SERVER INFO/#choose-server-roles channel and click on the silhouette gingerbread man icon at the bottom with the number next to it.
- Go to the BOARD GAMES/#boardgames channel.
On Google Business or Yelp!.
Physical Flyer
Please use this PDF if you'd like to print some flyers.
Other local(ish) options
Drive times are from MaChessC.
See also - MA, Massachusetts Chess Federation, US Chess Federation - MA.
Littleton Chess for Kids
16 minute drive -
- A pay club with formal teaching for kids
- See their Facebook page for current programs
MetroWest Chess
30 minute drive -
- Wednesday nights, 7-10:30pm
- Single USCF-rated game per night and the control is always G/90; d5
Billerica Chess Club
40 minute drive -
- Friday nights, 7pm
Medford Chess Club
45 minute drive -
- Saturday afternoons, 1-3pm
Boylston Chess Club
60 minute drive -
- See for times
Wachusett Chess Club
65 minute drive -
- Wednesdays nights, 6-10:30pm